When donating please specify Hard Places Community under ministry and
under projects please specify one of the following categories.
Local Staff Salaries
All that we do is dependent upon our local staff. They are the hands and feet of our ministry. It’s their love that changes the futures of our broken children. Support a staff today and change a child’s life!
General Fund
Monies given to the general fund will go directly towards our restorative work with children and young adults in the sex trade. None of this money goes towards missionary salaries; it is all used for our works overseas.
Siem Reap
In 2016, HPC opened a brand new base in the tourist town of Siem Reap. If you have a heart for children who are preyed upon by sex tourists, your dollars will go a long way in this ministry!
Punlok Thmey Men
Punlok Thmey Men is an outreach to young men in the male brothels of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. We offer these men a new lease on life through deep relationship, job opportunities, and life-skills training.
HPC Soccer
Our soccer program engages our street kids through a special developmentally appropriate program. We teach them skills that translate into day-to-day life like conflict resolution, handling emotions, dealing with trauma, and team building.
HPC School of Worship
Our school of worship is engaging our kids’ hearts and building trust through music therapy. This is a powerful program where we see lives transformed every day!
The Hard Places Community
C/O International Outreach Ministries
P.O. Box 2140
McComb, MS 39649
All checks should be made out to I.O.M. with “The Hard Places Community” in the memo.
Staff Christmas
Every year, we celebrate and honor our world-changing local staff’s incredible work with a nice meal and a fun day of team building. We also honor our International missionaries with a meal and small gifts, as they are far away from friends and family during the most family-oriented season of the year.
Asha House Home for Children
Asha House is our forever home for thirteen orphaned or abandoned children in Southern India. These children are with us for life; we love and support them as our own, all the way through University or Bible School.
In 2017, the Hard Places Community steps out on faith and joins the war against the child sex trade in the African island of Madagascar. Be part of this exciting new work as we begin to explore a world of darkness that still reigns openly in this beautiful country.
Kids’ Christmas
Christmas is the most important time of the year for our children! In Cambodia, it’s the one time of year when hundreds of street kids can cast their cares aside and join in festivities that last for over a week. There are outings to a fun Kids Park, a huge party at a rented field, presents of needed items like towels or blankets, treats, a meal and much more! In India, it’s the time of year when the children growing up in Asha House receive school clothes and supplies for the entire year, winter outfits, small gifts, and supplies and food to host a huge party at the local leper colony. Nothing can beat the smiles on the faces of these precious children the entire month of December!
the 501(c)(3) of International Outreach Ministries and 100% of donations are tax-deductible.